Google Classroom for Families

Please note that Google Classroom will be used as a major communication tool with families this year. Announcements, field trips, daily homework, and my weekly reviews will all be posted on Google Classroom by the Grade 4 teachers. This is a much easier system to monitor class communication and it avoids privacy issues. Please note that I will no longer be posting homework on the class blog. The blog will still be there as there are many pages with useful information. I will link to those pages when necessary.

Emails can still be used for private communication.

How to join Google Classroom:

Option 1:
  1. You must have a Google account. The Horizon email account is fine but any Gmail account is fine as well.
  2. Go to Google Classroom
  3. You can also use the Google Classroom Apps. (See links below)
  4. Click Join Class
  5. Enter the following code for Grade 4A: dunib7f
  6. You can change your notification settings to send you emails or just phone notifications.
  7. You can comment on posts for general questions.
Option 2:
Accept my email invitation which will be sent out shortly after this email.

Google Classroom Apps